LUCKNOW ( — Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest has led to international protest and Free Durov campaign. In response to Durov’s arrest, TON Society launched an “Open Letter Mini App” following Free Durov campaign within Telegram on August 27. The letter, addressed to French authorities, strongly condemns the arrest as “a blatant attack on the freedom of expression and the right to private life.”
On August 25, French authorities arrested Durov at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. The charges against him are related to “complicity,” though specifics remain unclear. His detention has been extended and could last up to 96 hours.
TON Society’s Open Letter Received 1M Signatures Within Hours
The open letter allows users to sign a petition demanding Durov’s release directly through the messaging platform. Within just six hours of its launch on August 28, the open letter garnered over one million signatures.
We call upon France to immediately release Mr. Durov and to respect the social media platform’s right to protect the freedom of expression, privacy of its users, and right to private life.
the open letter states.It also urges international bodies such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the European Union to challenge France’s actions and uphold online liberty.
The TON Society, associated with the Telegram Open Network, has initiated a multi-pronged Free Durov campaign for Durov’s release. On August 25, the organization updated Toncoin’s logo and profile pictures across TON Community channels to the “Resistance Dog”. The Dog’s logo is a symbol of digital resistance that Durov himself introduced during previous battles for user privacy.
“This isn’t just about one man; it’s about defending the rights of every individual,” the TON Society said in a post. The organization is urging French authorities to free Durov from detention and allow Telegram to continue protecting its users’ freedom of expression and right to privacy.
Elon Musk Voices Strong Opposition
Tech leaders, privacy advocates, and human rights organizations globally criticized this move of French authorities. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, tweeted “Free Pavel,” a hashtag that quickly went viral across social media platforms.
Legendary investor Balaji Srinivasan called French authorities a “pawn” to the Uncle Sam.
Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, expressed grave concerns about the implications for software and communication freedom in Europe. Edward Snowden, the well-known whistleblower, also labeled the arrest as a dangerous precedent against free speech.
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