Kabosu, the beloved Shiba Inu who inspired the creation of Dogecoin and a wave of other meme tokens, peacefully passed away on May 24th at the age of 17. Her owner, Atsuko Sato, shared the news in a heartfelt blog post, expressing gratitude for the immense love and joy Kabosu brought to her life and countless others worldwide.
A Farewell For a Crypto Icon
Kabosu’s rise to fame began in 2010 with a viral photo, capturing the internet’s heart with her expressive eyes and tilted head. Consequently, this iconic image inspired the creation of Dogecoin in 2013, initially conceived as a lighthearted joke currency. However, Dogecoin quickly gained traction, spawning a whole new class of dog-themed tokens like SHIB and FLOKI. Together, these tokens now represent a significant sector within the cryptocurrency industry.
Sato announced in her blog that she will host a farewell party for Kabosu on Sunday, May 26th, at Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita City, from 1 PM to 4 PM. She invited those who wish to pay their respects to attend this event and share their memories of Kabosu.
Kabosu’s influence extended beyond the crypto world, becoming a symbol of internet culture and meme magic. Her image, often captioned with humorous and endearing phrases, resonated with millions, turning her into a beloved figure. Furthermore, Dogecoin’s community, known for its charitable donations and fun-loving nature, embraced Kabosu as its mascot, helping to drive the currency’s popularity.
Meme Coin Market Takes a Dip as Community Mourns Kabosu
The news of Kabosu’s passing coincides with a recent downturn in the memecoin market. Data from CoinMarketCap reveals a decrease in trading volume across the sector, with Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Pepe experiencing notable declines. As of today, memecoins represent a substantial sector with a total market capitalization of approximately $57.3 billion and a 24-hour trading volume of about $12.9 billion.
Memecoin market performance. Source: CoinMarkertCapDogecoin (DOGE) has seen a 3.81% decrease in value over the past week. Shiba Inu (SHIB) has also experienced a decline of 3.33% during the same period. Pepe (PEPE), the newest memecoin to gain popularity, has seen the most significant drop, with a 38.74% decrease in value.
The announcement of Kabosu’s passing has garnered widespread reactions. Unseen Japan posted on X, “Kabosu, the female Shiba Inu known as the Doge meme dog, passed away at 18.” Pop Base also expressed their condolences, saying, “Kabosu, the dog from the Doge meme, has sadly passed away.” The community’s heartfelt messages reflect the impact Kabosu had on people worldwide.
The farewell party for Kabosu is set for May 26th at Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita City. The event will run from 1 pm to 4 pm. Attendees are advised to park in nearby lots as on-site parking is unavailable. The owner plans to hold another celebration at Sakura Furusato Hiroba when the weather cools.
The post Dogecoin Icon Kabosu Shiba Inu is No More appeared first on CoinChapter.